Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe

This graphic enhancer mod for NBA 2k14 (PC) will change the overall sensation of the stadium and appends a monumental improvement to the games graphics. Check out the screenshots and read the details below for full information.

This patch includes 6 custom versions of the ENB and SweetFX which adds different feel to the game graphics.

Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe

The Features

This mod features the following effects:

  • Ambient occlusion
  • Custom ENB palette
  • Enhanced lighting
  • Better Shadows
  • Haze simulation effect
  • Less reddish Skin Tones

The Variations

This mod comes in six variations, you can use whichever you like.

  • Version 1: Ultra - Best quality grpahics - high quality occlusion, adds ambient occlusion and indirect lightning.
  • Version 2: Very High - Medium quality occlusion.
  • Version 3: High - Adds low quality occlusion.
  • Version 4: Mid - Better contrast curves, adds SweetFX antialiasing (SMAA and FXAA) and Lumasharpen for sharper edges.
  • Version 5: Low - Adds bloom and fast contrast curves.
  • Version 6: Lowest - Simplest version. Just adds custom ENB pallette. Good on laptops.


Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe Best NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe

Screenshots from Mid version (4)

What is SweetFX: SweetFX is a universal image improvement and tweaking mod, that works with almost any 32bit (and hopefully soon 64bit) DirectX 9, 10 or 11 game or application. It’s goal is provide similar tools to games in realtime, as video processing software provides for movies and videos.

How to Use

  1. Extract the downloaded file using 7zip.
  2. Select the version of the Patch that you want to use.
  3. Copy all the files from the selected version and paste them in your NBA 2k14 Game Folder.
  4. Play with the enhanced graphics.


DownloadDownload NBA 2K14 ENB + SweetFx Graphics Patch : Stadium Breathe


d3d9.dll, d3d9.fx, d3d9sweet.dll, dxgi.dll, dxgi.fx, effect.txt, enbeffect.fx, enbpalette.bmp, enbseries.ini, injector.ini, injFX_Shaders, shader.fx, SweetFX, SweetFX readme.txt, SweetFX_preset.txt, SweetFX_settings.txt